who i am

Poet, Educator, and Poetry Consultant for Over a Decade

what i offer

Poetry Classes, Poetry Parties, Poetry Consultations

Want to Book a Poetry Party?

Let me help you create a unique and memorable event!

Two packages available

In-person, virtual, and self-guided options for your convenience!

Flexible pricing

Create a unique, memorable experience your group will never forget!

What I WRite


“The Ginkgo Tree”

Visitant Literary Magazine

“I imagine you beyond the Peach Blossom grove/
with the fisherman and boys,/
in a land of flowing waters/
where mortal men do not exist.”

“Hibakujumoku, or Hibaku Grandmothers”

Rigorous Magazine

“The hibaku grandmother trees returned to us./
If you are quiet, they will tell you/
the absences caused by man’s inhumanity/
and their own survival songs.”


River Heron Review

“there is a chokecherry tree on Sethe’s back/…tonight I called my people/and we wept”

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

When I contact you, when will I hear back?

You’ll hear from me within 24-48 hours.

Can I hear you in action before I make the decision to hire you?

Check out my podcast–The Poetry Podcast–to hear me discuss poetry!

Where can I read your published poetry?

See the Publications page for some of my published poetry and the phenomenal literary magazines in which they’re published!

Are your prices negotiable?

There are tiers for each package option, and we can find the right one for you!

I haven’t written poetry since high school. Can I still host a poetry party or workshop?

Yes! Poetry is for everyone–even if you’ve never written poetry! I will meet you where you are!

How can I get my poetry published?

Schedule a poetry consultation with me! Contact me!